Harvie Krumpet - Trailer - Watch Full Movie Free @FlixHouse

Oscar-winning animated half hour 'biography' of a man who has Tourette's Syndrome, chronic bad luck, menial jobs, nudist tendencies, and a book of fakts hung around his neck. Harvie learns many lessons in life. He finds love, freedom, nudity and ultimately the true meaning of what it is to be human.

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2 years 19 Views
Watch full movie FREE now @FlixHouse: https://flixhouse.com/video/4124/harvie-krumpet | Oscar-winning animated half hour 'biography' of a man who has Tourette's Syndrome, chronic bad luck, menial jobs, nudist tendencies, and a book of "fakts" hung around his neck. Inspiringly, Harvie learns many lessons in life and enjoys its many fruits. He finds love, freedom, nudity and ultimately the true meaning of what it is to be human.PS: The full movie is only available to viewers in North America.

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