Minnesota Clay - Trailer - Watch Full Movie Free @FlixHouse

An exciting saga of the west with a twist: Wrongly convicted, Minnesota Clay breaks out of prison and begins a search for the man who can clear him and exact revenge. Can he survive in the wild west when his eyesight is failing and his showdown skills depend on his hearing.

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2 years 38 Views
Watch full movie FREE now @FlixHouse: https://flixhouse.com/video/4145/minnesota-clay | An exciting saga of the west with a twist: Wrongly convicted, Minnesota Clay breaks out of prison and begins a search for the man who can clear him and exact revenge. Can he survive in the wild west when his eyesight is failing and his showdown skills depend on his hearing' This western drama is dished up Euro-style in this frontier tale in the "Man With No Name" tradition.

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