A Twisted Tale of Obsession. Excess Flesh is a dark and disturbing psychological horror film that explores the depths of obsession and jealousy. A young woman, consumed by envy, becomes fixated on her beautiful and charismatic roommate. As her obsession grows, she descends into a world of darkness, driven by a desire for revenge and destruction.
Don't Miss This Disturbing and Intense Thriller. Watch full movie free at FlixHouse:
Starring: Bethany Orr, Mary Loveless, Wes McGee
Director: Patrick Kennelly
Genre: Thriller, Horror
A Chilling Psychological Thriller with:
A Disturbing Premise: A twisted tale of obsession and jealousy
A Complex Anti-Heroine: A morally ambiguous and dangerous character
A Tense and Suspenseful Atmosphere: A gripping and unsettling narrative
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