A Gritty Revenge Action Thriller. Wild Justice is a thrilling action-packed revenge thriller that follows a former military man, Daniel Wilson, as he seeks justice for a heinous crime. When his wife is kidnapped by a ruthless gang, Daniel unleashes his deadly skills to rescue her and bring the perpetrators to justice.
Don't Miss This Explosive Action Thriller! Watch full movie free at FlixHouse:
Starring: Rod Manikam, Simon Arblaster, Maggie Meyer, Alyssia Joyce
Director: Julian Cheah
Genre: Action, Suspense, thriller
A High-Stakes Thriller with:
Intense Action Sequences: Non-stop thrills and heart-pounding suspense
A Gripping Storyline: A suspenseful and unpredictable plot
A Relentless Protagonist: A determined hero who will stop at nothing
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