A Twisted Tale of Love and Murder. Scavenger Killers is a dark and twisted thriller that reimagines the Bonnie and Clyde mythos. This film follows a charismatic judge and a seductive criminal defense attorney as they embark on a deadly crime spree. As their relationship deepens, so does their thirst for violence and destruction.
Don't Miss This Disturbing and Addictive Thriller. Watch full movie free at FlixHouse:
Starring: Robert Bogue, Rachael Robbins, Eric Roberts, Dustin Diamond, Robert Loggia, Charles Durning
Director: Dylan Bank
Genre: Horror, Suspense, thriller
A Gripping and Disturbing Thriller:
A Unique Pair of Villains: A charismatic and deadly duo
A Dark and Twisted Plot: A suspenseful and unpredictable narrative
A Stylish and Atmospheric Film: A visually striking and gritty aesthetic
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