A Zombie Comedy Horror. Presidents Day is a hilarious and horrifying horror-comedy that reimagines American history. A group of unsuspecting teenagers find themselves trapped in a deadly game of survival when the undead presidents of the United States rise from their graves. Armed with wit, courage, and a dash of black magic, they must fight for their lives against the zombie horde.
Don't Miss This Absurd and Entertaining Horror Comedy! Watch full movie free at FlixHouse:
Starring: Monica Ricketts, David Zuckerman, Jud Zumwalt, Britanny Rosoff, Chelsea Leech
Director: David Zuckerman
Genre: Horror, Comedy
A Hilarious and Horrifying Film:
A Unique Premise: A comedic take on the zombie apocalypse
A Star-Studded Cast: A talented ensemble of actors
A Non-Stop Laugh Riot: A funny and frightening blend of genres
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