Misogynist is a chilling psychological thriller that delves into the dark world of misogyny and manipulation. Trevor, a charismatic and dangerous figure, indoctrinates young men into his toxic ideology. As his influence grows, he becomes a threat to society. This disturbing film explores the dangerous consequences of unchecked misogyny and the power of manipulation.
Don't Miss This Chilling Psychological Thriller! Watch full movie free at FlixHouse:
Starring: Jonathan Bennett, Jon Briddell, Eve Mauro, Tracey E. Bregman, Danielle Lozeau
Director: Michael Matteo Rossi
Genre: Psychological Thriller
A Dark and Twisted Thriller:
A Disturbing Premise: A chilling exploration of toxic masculinity
A Complex Villain: A charismatic and dangerous antagonist
A Tense and Suspenseful Atmosphere: A gripping and unsettling narrative
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